Coffee & Tea

Nope! This isn't a joke! You can turn your cold brew coffee into hot cold brew coffee without sacrificing quality or taste! Not everyone likes their coffee iced or even cold and we've found the solution for hot and cold coffee lovers, the Kegco Hot Draft Tower. This innovative draft tower will give you the best of both worlds, changing the way we serve coffee!
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Hot coffee on tap? The future is here thanks to the innovators at Kegco! Kegco, the renowned kegerator, and dispense equipment company has been providing the beverage industry with the best dispense equipment for over 20 years. It's no surprise that they are changing the food and beverage industry once again with their latest dispense innovation, the hot draft tower!
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The weather may be getting cooler but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your cold brew! Cold brew coffee not only has a great smooth taste but it delivers more caffeine and benefits. Learn more about the benefits of cold brew coffee in our article here. As the weather cools down, you can still cozy up to a cup of cold brew, this time, it will be filled with warming flavors to get you through the cold fall and winter days. Get inspired to add a little twist to your cold brew this autumn and winter with these tasty recipes.
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Kombucha has been all the rage for the past few years and is touted as an essential beverage for a healthier body. You can learn more about kombucha in our detailed guide here and you can learn about the benefits of kombucha in our article here. This fermented tea beverage works its magic best when drank daily but only if you get the right kind of kombucha. With so many brands claiming to be the greatest, how do you sort through the good and the bad? We have some tips to guide you through how to choose the best kombucha.
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Regarded as one of the most popular beverages in the world, coffee is a daily staple in the routines of many. While many of us drink it, but we don't know much about it beyond that we need it to stay awake and productive. Knowledge is power and if you want good coffee, you'll need to get to know coffee. This guide will run you through the bean to the beverage and in the end, you might just change some of your opinions about your favorite beverage.
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You don't need to know how to pronounce kombucha to enjoy its benefits. This fermented tea is shrouded by uncertainty and mystery because of its recent popularity but kombucha has actually been around for thousands of years! You can learn more about this trendy fermented tea in our article here. While many just enjoy drinking kombucha, many drink this tea for its health benefits. Like regular tea, kombucha contains many similar properties but with additional benefits from the fermentation process. With the new year just beginning, we are all looking to achieve our health and fitness resolutions. Kombucha could be the key to achieving your New Year's resolutions! You may find yourself loving it so much, you might want to consider getting a kegerator to dispense your daily dose of kombucha.
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Coffee just keeps getting more expensive and while cold brew coffee is trendy and more widely available in coffee shops and grocery stores, it costs even more than hot coffee! It's time to put away the wallet, roll up your sleeves, and create your own tasty cold brew and cold brew drinks. We have five of our favorite recipes (one for each weekday) that will have you excited to wake up and take on the day.
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With so many different ways to get your coffee fix, from blended coffee with ice and endless options of flavored syrups to coffee drinks with a splash of this and a splash of that. You're probably thinking, when did coffee get so complicated, and what happened to good old black coffee? We feel you and we're here to help you understand this coffee trend that seems to be taking over every coffee shop and local grocery store. Don't worry, black coffee isn't gone. It's just gone through a transformation and got a little makeover since you've last seen it.
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You've probably heard of it, you probably know people who drink it, and you've probably met that one guy who swears it's the only coffee worth drinking but what is cold brew coffee and why is everyone talking about it? Let us explain. Like all things coffee-related that become wildly popular and hyped, it started with Starbucks. While they didn't come up with the concept of cold brew coffee, they made it so mainstream that everyone is talking about it and everyone is making it. From the ready-to-drink bottles at the store to the pricey little cup of cold brew at your local coffee shop, cold brew coffee seems to be taking over and you probably have a lot of questions about it. Don't worry because we have a team of cold brew coffee connoisseurs here to answer your questions and trust us, this is the wake-up call you need to get properly caffeinated.
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We drink a lot of coffee at Beverage Factory and we're big fans of cold brew. So much so, that it's always on tap in our kegerator. We'd like to clear up the confusion about cold brew and iced coffee, they're NOT the same. We know they sound very similar but they're actually very different styles of coffee. In fact, iced coffee is just hot coffee poured over ice, turning it into the beverage we know as iced coffee. Cold brew actually refers to the brewing process, which uses cold water to brew the coffee instead of hot water. While cold brew can be served over ice, it's not the same iced coffee and it will taste quite different.
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Cold brew coffee, one of the hottest, or should we say coolest trends in the coffee industry at the moment. Coffee drinkers everywhere seem to be dumping their hot cup of joe for his cooler younger brother, cold brew. Why is everyone breaking up with this classic hottie for the new brew in town? Well, let's just say cold brew can give you everything you want and more! That's right, more caffeine plus, benefits.
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Pronounced "kuhm - boo - chuh", this trendy beverage has been slowly taking over local grocery stores, coffee shops, and even restaurants. You may have heard your trendy yoga-loving friend talking about how "amazing" kombucha is but what is this strange new drink and is it really "good" for you? Or is it a gimmick? We're going to spill the tea about all the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this exotic and ancient drink.
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Pronounced "kuhm - boo - chuh", this trendy beverage has been slowly taking over local grocery stores, coffee shops, and even restaurants. You may have heard your trendy yoga-loving friend talking about how "amazing" kombucha is but what is this strange new drink and is it really "good" for you? Or is it a gimmick? We're going to spill the tea about all the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this exotic and ancient drink.
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Pronounced "kuhm - boo - chuh", this trendy beverage has been slowly taking over local grocery stores, coffee shops, and even restaurants. You may have heard your trendy yoga-loving friend talking about how "amazing" kombucha is but what is this strange new drink and is it really "good" for you? Or is it a gimmick? We're going to spill the tea about all the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this exotic and ancient drink.
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Pronounced "kuhm - boo - chuh", this trendy beverage has been slowly taking over local grocery stores, coffee shops, and even restaurants. You may have heard your trendy yoga-loving friend talking about how "amazing" kombucha is but what is this strange new drink and is it really "good" for you? Or is it a gimmick? We're going to spill the tea about all the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this exotic and ancient drink.
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